빨간머리 앤(Anne With an E) Season 2 Episode 7

2019. 12. 13. 00:43Like


Anne's recitement of Jane Eyre

"Now I remember that real world was wide, and that a varied field of hopes and fears, of sensations and excitements, awaited those who had the courage to go forth into its expanse to seek real knowlege of life amidst its perils. 진짜 세상은 넓다는 사실을 나는 기억해냈다. 희망과 불안, 감동과 흥분으로 들끓는 다채로운 삶의 현장이 위험을 무릅쓰고 그 넓은 곳으로 나아가, 진정한 삶의 지식을 찾는 사람을 기다린다는 것을"


Josephine reminding Gertrude

"She felt so openly. Put me to shame. I was raised to keep everything buttoned up inside. But she had this extraordinary range of emotions. Life... had so many colors through her eye. It painted my world forever. She was the first person with whom I didn't have to hide.

아주 솔직한 사람이었어. 나를 부끄럽게 했지. 나는 모든 걸 감추도록 배우고 자랐는데 거트루드는 놀랍도록 다양한 감정을 지녔어. 그녀의 눈으로 보는 삶은 정말 다채로웠어. 나의 세상을 영원이 색칠했지. 처음으로 나를 숨기지 않아도 되는 사람이었어."


Anne and Woman in the hat 

"What I'm saying is, there is no straight path in art or life. Sometimes there's no path at all and one must beak down walls and matchete their way through the woods to get where they need to go.

내말은, 예술이나 인생에 정도는 없다는 거예요. 가끔은 길이 아예 없기도 해서 가려는 곳으로 가려면 벽을 허물고 칼을 휘둘러 나무를 베면서 숲을 뚫어야 하기도 하죠."

"Oh, my. Have you ever heard a thing said for the first time yet it made such magnificent sense it's as if you'd been waiting to hear it all your life?" 

세상에, 난생처음으로 들어보지만 평생 그 말을 듣기만을 기다려온 것처럼 장엄하고 일리 있는 말을 들어보신 적이 있으신가요?

세상에, 그런 말은 난생 처음 들어보지만, 너무나도 장엄하도록 일리 있는 말씀이네요. 제 평생 그 말을 듣기만을 기다렸다는 듯이 말이에요. 



Anne, Cole and Diana

Anne: "To my Gertrude. Someone will remember us, I say, even in another time. Forever you have my heart. Jo"

Diana: Two woman could never have children. It doesn't make sense"

Anne: How can you say that, when such beautiful words were written from one to another?

Diana: It's unnatural, Anne!

Cole: If your aunt lived her life feeling something was wrong with her, that she was... broken, defective, or unnatural... then one day, she met someone that made her realize that wasn't true, there was nothing wrong with her, and she was fine. Shouldn't we be happy for her?

Anne: I thinks it's spectacular. There's so much more possibility. 


When Cole is coming out to Josephine

Cole: I think I'm like you and Gertrude.

Joshphine: You have a life of such joy before you. Not without hardship. Not without bumps in the road. Be safe with those you trust. But when you do find people to trust, the bond will be that much greater. I'm quiet touched by you choosing me as one.

너는 환희에 찬 삶을 살 거다. 하지만 시련이 없지 않을 거고 험한 길도 있겠지. 사람을 함부로 믿지 마라. 하지만 믿을 사람을 찾으면 그 유대감은 훨씬 강할 거다. 나를 그중 하나로 선택해줘서 정말 감동이구나.


Anne and Marilla 

Anne: Everyone was so smart and interesting. It felt as though you could be any way in the world, and there might be a place for you.